Friday, February 27, 2009

On the evening Lyndon Johnson dropped out of the 1968 Presidential it was a celebration. We could not believe it. If there was any politician

On the evening Lyndon Johnson dropped out of the 1968 Presidential it was a celebration. We could not believe it. If there was any politician that I loathed it was LBJ. He had lied about Vietnam. He had kept us in that war at the expense of tens of thousands of lives on both sides. My blood boiled when I would see LBJ or McNamara on TV talking about how they were keeping us safe from communism.

LBJ was an old time politician. He had come up from nothing and meant to keep what he had. He would lean on people and sweet talk them or just pressure them to get them to do what he wanted. I do not know if he would have ever become president if JFK had not been killed.

So, along comes Richard Nixon. He was going to get us out of Vietnam. He had the support of the "Silent Majority". He did not anger me as much as just disgust me. I simply could not believe how people could vote for this guy. I think he had spent his whole life wanting to be president. You could watch him and know that he knew he was lying about what he was saying. But he was quite serious about it.

I think Nixon was another old time politician but some what different than LBJ. I am not sure if Nixon actually believed anything and whatever he did was calculated to further himself. He was probably contemptuous of ordinary people and out of touch with regular working people. Although it was with those people that he had support.

Now we come to Bush & Co. I think these people are contemptuous of everyone. They will stand up there and lie and I do not think they even care if you know it or not. What they are saying usually is meant for a sound bite addicted public that will not actually investigate anything said or even connect any dots together. The claim of any politician of being close to God should be a warning for anyone.

I recently had a discussion with an individual who thought Bush was becoming concerned about his legacy. I do not believe Bush cares anything about a legacy. They seem to have contempt for society and its traditions, for human understanding, and the accumulated wisdom of successive generations of people. There is something perverse underlying the motivations of this administration. It is something that has not been touched upon in any speculations about Bush & Co.

Bush seems to be playing a part that is just a sham. In fact, a lot of the people in the administration seem to be playing a part in a public performance. The problem is the whole charade can be seen through by some and they do not care. This administration is a front for something else. What it is I am not sure. A lot has been said about the forces behind this bunch. Ideology and Religion are the two big ones. I think it is quite possible that neither of these are the real motivation behind the current Bush Administration.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

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